Saturday, January 3, 2009

Winter blah

It's cold, cold, cold. Depressing. I did go workout today. 30 minutes on the treadmill walking fast, and 50 sit ups. I think working out will start to help with the depressing cold feelings. I have a hard time with going regularly, but I think Mandy and I can start going together bc of her new schedule, so that should help me get to the gym more. I am also going to start yoga on Tuesday. Twice a week for a month. That will give me something to look forward to.

I'm glad the break is over. I was getting really bored. There is not much to do in Seoul except shop, go to PC rooms, and bars. I'm tired of all of that, so just hung around my neighborhood most of the time. At least with work I have something to fill up a void of energy. I will have new students for a winter intensive course this month.

It's so strange! I feel huge. I feel like I look pregnant, but I have so far lost 13 pounds. I've lost it gradually, so it hasn't felt like I'm losing weight. It's a weird feeling. Normally I would be jumping up and down, but here in tiny land I still am much larger than Korean women. It is just coming off without my knowing it. I will focus more on my abs in the gym and see what affect that has on my belly fat. I wonder how much I will lose in a year?

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